Islam appears as a religion in the 5th century AD. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ came with a novel religion called Islam to the people of Arabia at first. Then the message spread throughout humanity. Prophet Muhammad SAW possesses a great place in Islam. The PBUH has pivotal importance for the believers of Islam.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is not only a central figure for Islam and Muslims, but He also has a deep impact on humanity. Famous Jewish Author Micheal Heart has declared Prophet Muhammad SAW as the most influential person in entire human history in his book “100 Outstanding Personalities”. He wrote that he has done this because of the impact and influence of Prophet Muhammad SAW on humanity.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Early Life, and Background:
Prophet Muhammad SAW was born on 12 Rabi ul Awwal, 571 AD in the holy city of Makkah. He was born in Bibi Amna and Hazrat Abdullah’s house as an orphan. His father died 6 months before his birth. He was a descendant of Prophet Ibrahim AS and Prophet Ibrahim AS. So he was a member of Banu Ismael, the cousins of Bani Israel.
Child Hood:
In Arabs, there was a tradition that they used to send every child to the countryside areas for brought up. This happened to Prophet Muhammad when his mother Hazrat Bibi Amna, gave her to the countryside woman, Bibi Halima Sadia. He SAW was sent to the Banu Sa’ad tribe, where he spent five years with his foster mother and her family.
The village environment is clean and healthful, so He SAW grew up to be a sturdy child with an eloquent Arabic accent.
Prophet-hood and Revelation:
Prophet Muhammad SAW used to meditate in the cave of Hira. When he SAW was 40 years of age, one day he was meditating as usual, and a strange creature appeared in the cave and asked him to read. He said I knew not how to read.
This was the first revelation, Sura tul Alaq.
“Read (O Prophet), in the name of your Lord, Who created: created man from a clot of congealed blood. Read: and your Lord is Most Generous, Who taught knowledge by the pen, taught man what he did not know.”
The Role of Gabriel AS in Delivering Allah’s Message:
The strange creature was the Master of Angels, Hazrat Gabriel AS. He was appointed by Allah SWT to deliver divine messages to His apostles. He used to deliver Allah’s message to all previous prophets of Allah SWT.
Moral Character and Personal Traits of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Allah Almighty gave prophethood to Muhammad SAW at the ripe age of 40. But he was an ideal human being from his early childhood.
He was called “As Sadiq” and “Al Ameen” which means the most truthful and the most trustworthy person, even before the advent of Islam.
He never worshipped idols at any stage of his life.
He was a true sympathetic human being. He was sympathetic to not only the humans but to the animals too.
He showed noble character as a human being in every capacity. He proved himself to be a role model for the whole of humanity.
Social Reforms and Humanitarian Contributions:
Arabs used to believe in the caste system. An Arab considered himself superior to a non-Arab. He SAW came as an advocate of social justice and equality.
Women were the most deprived class of the society. He SAW gave women every right. Women were given many rights that she was deprived of before Islam.
Prophet Muhammad SAW gave sheer emphasis on charity and helping others. Islam laid great stress and announced substantial rewards for helping the less fortunate.
Prophetic Wisdom and Teachings:
Prophet Muhammad SAW was the wisest person on the face of the earth. This was the reason Allah SWT blessed him with the ultimate message for humanity.
Islam believes in the oneness of Allah SWT. Monotheism is the primary belief of Islam. There are five pillars of Islam;
Prophet Muhammad SAW’s teachings are based on ethics, morality, and spirituality.
Interaction with Other Faiths and Religions:
Islam believes in inter-religious harmony. This aspect was displayed many times by Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Prophet Muhammad SAW displayed respect for the non-Muslims. Once a delegation of Christians from Najran came to visit Prophet Muhammad SAW, he SAW allowed them to carry out their Service (religious rituals) in Masjid e Nabwi.
The Charter of Madina was an obvious manifestation of religious pluralism in Madina, which was a new Islam state, ruled by Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Military Leadership:
Islam believes in justice even during a war. Prophet SAW advised his companions not to fight unarmed young men, older people, feeble men, who can’t fight, women, and kids. He advised them not to cut down green trees. He advised not to demolish green fields, hospitals, educational institutes, religious temples, etc.
Prophet Muhammad SAW believed in peaceful coexistence with nations. He SAW signed different treaties with non-Muslims on multiple occasions.
Prophet Muhammad SAW as Family Man
Prophet Muhammad SAW was an ideal family man. He SAW married 9 women called “Ummaha tul Momineen”. All of them were splendid women.
- Syeda Khadija tul Kubra RA was the first wife of Hazrat Muhammad SAW. She was a tremendous lady and has performed numerous services for Islam.
- Syeda Ayesha Siddiqa RA was the second wife of Prophet Muhammad SAW. She has the most significant contribution towards narrating Prophet’s Ahadith.
Prophet Muhammad SAW as a Loving Father and Grandfather:
Prophet Muhammad SAW had four daughters and four sons. All the sons passed away in early infancy. He SAW loved his daughters too much. As a grandfather, his love for his granddaughter Hazrta Umamam And grandsons Hazrat Imam Hussain and Hazrat Imam Hasan RA is a role model for humanity.
Lessons from his Family Relationships and Domestic Life:
He SAW was a very caring husband, a loving and affectionate father, and a truly affectionate grandfather. He set an example of a best male member of a family, in every capacity.
Last Sermons and Final Years:
After the conquest of Makkah, Prophet Muhammad SAW performed his first and last pilgrimage. He delivered his last sermon in Arafat Plain. This sermon is said to be the first documented charter of human rights throughout human history.
Prophet SAW gave many important messages to humanity in his last sermon. But the most significant message is unity and equality.
Misconceptions and Controversies about Prophet Muhammad SAW:
There are certain misconceptions about Prophet Muhammad Saw. Especially regarding his marital and domestic life.
The age of Hazrat Ayesha RA is one of the controversial issues in today’s modern age. But in Arab culture, marrying a 9 years old girl was not a big deal. It was customary in that society, a cultural norm.
Prophet Muhammad SAW’s Legacy:
Prophet Muhammad SAW left a legacy of truth, honesty, and commitment. Khulafa e RAshuideen followed suit and soon established an Islamic welfare state, leading toward the golden Islamic era.
Islam influenced global matters as far as Muslim rulers ruled the world. Now we are living in an era of downfall, demise, and failure of Muslims. So we are no longer relevant in influencing the world.
But Islam and the teachings of Islam are still relevant in the modern world.
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FAQs About prophet Muhammad saw
Was Prophet Muhammad SAW literate?
No, Prophet Muhammad SAW was an Ummi, means a person who did not learn how to read and write from any teacher.
Did Prophet Muhammad SAW promote violence?
No, Prophet Muhammad SAW did not promote violence. Islam is the religion of peace. Prophet Muhammad SAW always preached peace, harmony, and love.
What were Prophet Muhammad SAW’s achievements in the field of education?
Prophet Muhammad SAW announced that seeking education is obligatory for every man and woman in a society where only 17 people were educated in the entire Arab, before Islam.
How did Prophet Muhammad SAW treat women?
Prophet Muhammad SAW treated women with great respect, care, and love, depending on his relationship with the women. He SAW told his followers repeatedly to treat women with love.
Did Prophet Muhammad SAW perform miracles?
Yes, there are many miracles described in many books of Ahadith. There is a long list of different miracles performed by Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Prophet Muhammad SAW has a pivotal significance in Islam. He is like a central figure in Islamic religious beliefs. QuranHost has an opportunity for you to learn everything about Islam and the Prophet of Islam. We at our institute have designed certain step-by-step courses for you to understand Islam. The courses start from the very beginning to the ultimate understanding of Islam. Come and join our institute to learn everything about Islam. Join free trial classes to join QuranHost!