Children of Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been blessed with both sons and daughters. Holy Prophet (PBUH) had 7 children out of which 3 were sons and 4 were daughters.
♦ Qasim Ibn Muhammad
The first son of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadijah (RA), was HazratQasim (RA). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) became kunya (Patronymic) Abu al-Qasim (the Father of Qasim) and liked being called Abu al-Qasim, and his Companions would often call him by this name. Hazrat Qasim (RA) passed away in 605 C.E at a very young age in Makkah before the Holy Prophet has bestowed with the Prophethood.
♦ Zainab Binte Muhammad
Hazrat Zainab (RA) was the eldest born to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadijah (RA). Hazrat Zainab sacrificed a lot for her father (PBUH) and her faith. She got separated from his husband as he refused to accept Islam and during which she suffered miscarriage too but in the end, she finally reunited with her husband in the name of Islam in the city she shared with her beloved father (PBUH) and sisters but shortly after this Hazrat (RA) fell ill and died.
♦ Ruqqayah Binte Muhammad
HazratRuqqayah(RA) was the third child of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija (RA) too. She was born in Makkah. Her first marriage has unsuccessful and she later married Hazrat Usman bin Affan (RA). She fell ill in March 624 and died in Madina.
♦ Umm e Kulsoombinte Muhammad
HazratUmmeKulsoom (RA) was the third daughter and fourth child of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija (RA). Her first marriage with her cousin have unsuccessful and she was remarried to Hazrat Usman bin Affan (RA) as his first wife and her sister, HazratRuqqayah had died.HazratUmmeKulsoom (RA) died on November 630 in Madina.
♦ Fatima Binte Muhammad
Hazrat Fatima (RA) was the youngest daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija (RA). She has married to Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) cousin, Hazrat Ali (RA). Hazrat Fatima has known as “al-Zahra”, meaning “the shining one” and “al-Batul” meaning “the chaste and pure one”. She had two sons HazratHassan (RA) and Hussain (RA). Hazrat Fatima (RA) fell ill soon after Holy Prophet (PBUH) `s death and died in the year 11 AH.
Read More about Fatimah bint Muhammad
♦ Abdullah Ibn Muhammad
Hazrat Abdullah (RA) was the last child of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) and Hazrat Khadija (RA). Hazrat Abdullah has also known as al-Tahir and al-Tayyib. He too passed away at a very young age in the year 615 CE.
♦ Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad
The last child of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was Hazrat Ibrahim (RA). His mother was HazratMariyahal Qibtiyyah (RA). Hazrat Ibrahim (RA) passed away at the age of nearly 16 or 18 months in the year 632 CE.
Holy Prophet has deeply affected and stated;
“The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim! Indeed, we are grieved by your separation”
Six of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w)’s children died during his lifetime and one after his demise.
◊ Summary
Allah’s most beloved and the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have 7 children. Our Prophet has blessed us with three sons and four daughters. The children of the Holy Prophet faced many hardships and weren’t any royalties attached to them as the Holy Prophet himself is a simple person with no lavish lifestyle. The three sons were blessed to the Holy Prophet, all of them died at a very young age. The names of the three sons were Ibrahim ibn Muhammad, Abdullah ibn Muhammad, and Qasim ibn Muhammad.
The daughters of the Holy Prophet were Zainab binte Muhammad, RuqayyaBinte Muhammad, Fatima Binte Muhammad, and UmmekulsoomBinte Muhammad. All of the daughters were very noble, respectable, and inspiring. The daughters have been loved by the Holy Prophet and they follow every command of the Holy Prophet devotedly. As the Holy prophet lost his sons very early the responsibilities of taking care of their father were taken by daughters of the Holy Prophet. Holy Prophet never complaint of not having sons living most of their lives and was proud to have daughters.
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