Every month in the Islamic Calendar holds a particular significance towards the Muslim Ummah. The Muslims all over the world celebrate the eves of Ramadan, Eid Ul Fitr, and Eid Ul Adha with the divine doctrine of faith and devotion. Observance of important historical days of Muharram and Rabi-Ul-Awal is also maintained every year by the Muslims of different sects. A brief description of the importance of various days and months is stated in the Holy Quran, you can learn Quran online to get detailed knowledge to avoid any misconceptions. The following read complies with the significance of the month of Rabi-Ul-Awal.
Literal Meaning of Rabi-Ul-Awal
The month of Rabi-Ul-Awal stands third in the Islamic calendar, and refers to the literal meaning as the ‘first spring.’Further, the consideration of this Holy month proceeds towards the renewal, it is the time of renewal of your deeds and actions, and the renewal of your love and devotion towards the Holy Prophet SAW. It is the time of remembrance of the great events that took place in the month of Rabi-Ul-Awal and takes inspiration from the sacrifices that were laid down for the well-being of the Muslim Ummah.
Significant Events in Rabi-Ul-Awal
A number of important events befell during this Holy Month which is the reason for the respect of Muslims towards Rabi-Ul-Awal.
The birth of the Prophet Muhammad is a momentous occasion for Muslims, as he is considered to be the last Messenger of Allah. He was sent to guide humanity to the straight path and to teach them the message of Islam.
Birth of Holy Prophet SAW
This is the month our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born and his light illuminated the planet which continues to shine in our hearts. The 12th of Rabi al-Awwal is a significant day in the Islamic calendar, as it is the day on which Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born. This day is also known as Eid Milad un Nabi.
Read More About :Â Holy prophet Muhammad SAW
Hijrah of Holy Prophet SAW
The Hijrah of the Prophet (saw), when he emigrated from Makkah to Madinah. The Islamic calendar is dated from this event.
Establishment of First Masjid in Islam
The first masjid (Masjid Quba) in Islam was established in Rabi-Ul-Awal. Then Masjid Nabawi in Madina.
Death of Holy Prophet SAW
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) died on the 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal in the 11th year of the Hijri calendar, which corresponds to June 8th, 632 CE. He was 63 years old
The Importance of Loving the Prophet Muhammad SAW
‘The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves. [The Noble Qur’an, 33:6]
The month of Rabi al-Awwal may be an experience to remind ourselves of the place of the Prophet SAW in our lives. He’s the simplest of creation, and he should be dearer to us than any place or person, including ourselves.
If you don’t feel this closeness to the Prophet SAW, the answer is simple, learn more about his character and his life by learning the Quran online, listening to the Online Quran tutors, and naturally, your love for him will grow.Â
Gratitude for the Prophet Muhammad SAW
It is only through the sacrifices, efforts and immense love of the Prophet SAW that we’ve been given the incredible guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Allah says within the Qur’an:
‘Indeed Allah conferred a good favor on the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from among themselves, reciting unto them His verses, and purifying them, and instructing them (in) the Book (Qur’an) and Al-Hikmah, (the wisdom and therefore the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw)), while before that they’d been in manifest error.
We naturally tend to recollect the gorgeous character of the Prophet SAW more in Rabi al-Awwal, but we must always not single out this month to attach with him and follow his Sunnah. Rather, we must always use this month as a chance to create good habits so we will emulate him throughout the year.
Above all, Rabi al-Awwal could be a time for being grateful to Allah for the amazing blessing of sending the Prophet SAW to us and guiding us to His Light. It’s a time for grounding ourselves in our purpose over again and reviving our reference to Allah and His Messenger by learning more about the Qur’an and Sunnah. In this Holy month, build habits to memorize the Quran, learn Quran online, and be the best tutor in your surroundings. This can be the last word blessing and significance of Rabi al-Awwal.