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Importance of Shab e Barat 2024 – Significance & Traditions

Importance of Shab e Barat 2023

Shab e Barat is one of the holiest nights in the Islamic Lunar calendar. It is celebrated on 15th of Shaban.

Important of Shaban:

importants of Shaban

Shaban is the 8th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is a significant month as it is meant for preparation for the month of Ramadan. Muslims do fast in Shaban voluntarily. Allah Almighty promised the Muslims for substantial rewards for fasting and spending time in praying in the month of Shaban. SO this month is a quite significant month for the believers. There are certain incidents which are associated with Shab e Barat. Some of them are as follows;

  • It is said that Allah Almighty saved the Ark of Noah AS from the disastrous flood on 15th of Shaban.
  • It is marked as the birth date of Syedena Abbas ibn e Ali RA
  • It is said to be the month of changing of Qibla (Tehveel e Qibla).
  • The most important thing associated with the month of Shaban is Shab e Barat

Sahb e Barat:

Shab e Barat is the night of forgiveness and praying. Bara`t literally means freedom or atonement and Shab means night. It means that the literal meanings of Shab e Barat is the night of forgiveness. This is a night in which Allah Almighty gives us a chance to get atonement for our sins.
Shab e barat is celebrated in different regions and is named differently in different cultures, like;

  • Nisf(u) Sha’ban (Arabic)
  • Nisfu Syaaban (Malay)
  • Nim Sha’ban (Persian)
  • Sha’ban yarisi (Azerbaijan)
  • Laylat al-Bara’ah (Arabic)
  • Berat Kandili (Turkish: Berâet Kandili)
  • Shab-e Barat (Persian/Urdu)
  • Shab-e Barat (Bengali)
  • Barat Gejesi (Azerbaijan)

On this night when all the decisions about every creature on the face of earth, including Human beings. The decisions of life, death, rizq etc are taken by Allah Almighty on this night.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told Hazrat Ayesha about 15th of Shaban:

“In it, the record is made of every human being who will be born, and of every human being who will pass away this year. In it, their deeds are taken up to heaven and in their provisions are sent down.”

– (Baihaqi)

Significance of Shab e Barat:

The Shab e Barat is a very significant night in Islam. It is a chance given by Allah SWT to the believers to seek forgiveness for their sins and for their loved ones. On this night, Muslims seek forgiveness by offering special devotional prayers and by reciting special supplications (duas) taught by Prophet Muhammad SAW through Ahadith. more read about signification

Shab e Barat 2024 date:

This year, in 2024 Shab e Barat will fall on 25th of Feb 2024, on Sunday night. The Islamic date of lunar calendar is 15th Shaban, 1445 AH.

Customs and Traditions of Shab e Barat:

There are certain customs and traditions attached to Shab e Barat, which are usually performed by the believers on Shab e Barat. These rituals are as follows;

  1. Fasting the next day after Shab e Barat is one of the most important traditions on 15th Shaban. Muslims do fast on this day, as fasting on this day is highly rewarded by Allah’s SWT.
  2. Prophet Muhammad SAW is reported to visit Jannat ul Baqee on this night. Remembering the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Muslims visit the graves of their loved ones on this night. They also offer special prayers for the forgiveness of their deceased loved ones.
  3. Some people light candles and lights as a symbol of their spiritual enlightenment and awakening. But it is not liked by the religious scholars.
  4. Muslims are encouraged to do charity on this night as it is highly rewarding action to give alms to the poor on this night. It is a perfect way of attaining Allah’s blessings and bounties. You can Donate your zakat through platforms like QuranHost and become a part of various organizations dedicated to charitable causes.


Shab e Barat is a night of blessings and atonement for sins. It is one of the holy nights, according to Islam. Special prayers are offered on this night for seeking pardon from Allah Almighty. We can offer special prayers and recite supplications for our forgiveness and seeking pardon for our deceased loved ones. QuranHost is the right platform for every-one to learn about Islamic teachings. Islamic Teachings Online is a specially designed course to have a complete understanding of Islamic teachings, including Shab e Barat.

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