Islamic Knowledge, Values of Islam

New Converted Muslim Guidelines

new converted Muslim Guidelines

Today we will discuss the conversion of the Muslims. We are going to discuss different aspects of non-Muslims converting to Islam. When a non-Muslim recites Kalima e Shahadat and wants to spend his life according to the teachings of Islam, he is called a converted Muslim. When a non-Muslim embraces Islam, many questions arise, in this regard.

Why did they choose Islam?

The first question that arises when a non-Muslim converts is why he chooses Islam. The answer to this question varies from person to person. Everyone has a different reason to embrace Islam. Some people embrace Islam to follow Monotheism. Some have other reasons than that.

How to convert to Islam?

When a person decides to abandon his beliefs and embrace Islam, he has to contact an Islamic scholar. First, you have to take a bath to attain cleanliness and sanity. Then comes the most important step, and that is the recitation of Shahadah.

What are the difficulties that they may face?

The converted Muslims may face many problems after converting to Islam. They have to face family pressure and peer pressure. At some places they have to face problems at their job places. They may face problems within their own families.

 How could they solve it?

Firm resolution can solve these problems only. A new Muslim has to be strong in heart and mind. Secondly, the Muslim society must help new Muslims to settle down in their lives once again. Muslim society should help them financially, morally, and ethically. Muslim society should arrange their Islamic studies. QuranHost, as a part of the Muslim society, held ourselves responsible for their religious education. We arrange free online Quran classes for new Muslims.

 What should new Muslims learn?

The new Muslims should learn everything about Islam. They should learn the basic beliefs about Islam. Islam has a complete set of beliefs to have faith in. It has a complete code of conduct that the believers have to follow. So a converted Muslim has to learn everything about Islam.

Should Converted Muslims convey the message of Islam to others?

Yes, the converted Muslims have a better understanding of their belief system and their inner satisfaction before and after Islam. They are in a better moral position to defend Islam and present its teachings to other non-Muslims. They practically have left their previous belief to embrace Islam, so they can understand its challenges far better than normal Muslims. So they can guide the reverted Muslims accordingly.

Free Online Quran classes for New Muslims at QuranHost:

As discussed earlier, the Muslim society must facilitate the new Muslims when they embrace Islam. QuranHost, being a part of the Muslim society, arranges free online Quran classes for the new Muslims so that they can learn everything about Islam free of cost. We arrange online Quran tutors for our new Muslim brothers and sisters. They can learn and comprehend whatever section of Islamic knowledge they want to learn. We will pay the fee to the Quran tutor on behalf of our converted brother or sister.


If you are a converted Muslim and want to know everything about Islam. It is high time for you to join the QuranHost. We at QuranHost have arranged free online Quran classes for you to learn the Quran. You can learn Noorani Qaida online, and learn to read the Quran. You can memorize the Quran or you can comprehend the Quran. online, learn to read the Quran. You can memorize the Quran or you can comprehend the Quran. You can learn the discipline of the Quran that you want to learn. If you are a converted Muslim, Join QuranHost to learn the Quran for free.

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