It’s a general observation that there is no certain age limit to start teaching your kid to read the Holy Quran. It is our most valuable legacies that we can leave behind for our kids are to comfort their connection with the Quran from early childhood. It is to direct them on the way to a heart that is uninterruptedly attached to the Quran even when they grow up and get closer to Allah (SWT) each day reciting it. Nowadays it becomes very easy to learn Quran online from different Online Quran learning platforms. QuranHost is the leading Online Quran academy makes it very easy to learn the Quran at home conveniently.
What should be the Right Age for Your Child to learn Quran?
The best age to start Quran learning is 4 to 5 years, but some mothers do start and keep on reciting while pregnant and breastfeeding with the hope that it will provide an affirmative impact on their children. On the other hand, contingent on your kid’s capabilities and interests, it is very much desirable to begin at an age of fewer than 4 years. As a Muslim parent comes great accountability to support our children with Islamic values and one of it is to encourage them to love the Quran and the meaning in it.
How you can start teaching the Holy Quran to your children?
- First and foremost, you are required to be a good example by reciting the Quran daily. Kids like to copy or follow what they have perceived, heard, felt and knowledgeable from their environs. They will desire to be capable to do what you do. So, must ensure you recite the Holy Quran where they can see you.
- When you are reciting Quran, do it in a loud and grasping tone to entice them towards what you are reading.
- Make a routine of reciting the Quran after Fajr every day so that the start of the day of your children is the recitation of the Quran. By doing so, the very first sound that goes in their ears every day is the sound of the Quran. Therefore, you are not only assimilating the Quran into their daily life but to yours also.
- Make your time for bed story about the Holy Quran. Choice any of the described in the Quran and tell them which surah is that story from so that they will remember each story from the Quran.
- Clarify to them about the reward for Quran recitation and instruct them about how Allah made everything in this world, how Allah delivers and defends the one who pursues HIM. Also tell them reciting Quran is one of the means to attach with Allah (SWT). You can say, “Allah (SWT) will be very pleased if you do”.
QuranHost is now considered to be as leading online Quran Academy to learn Quran Online. We have outstanding and qualified teachers. You must visit our website or contact us for more details.