Islam is not an ordinary religion but a logical and comprehensive code of life that stresses those aspects which play an integral part in shaping value to one’s life. Cleanliness and purity are considered an important part of the Islamic faith as they are one of the great exemptions in Islam. Cleanliness in terms of one’s physical appearance and purity in terms of spirituality integrated into a human being has been highly regarded and preached by Islam in both Holy Quran and Sunnah. Allah SWT, in Quran, says that: “Allah does not intend to inconvenience you, but He intends to purify you and perfect His favor to you, so that you may give thanks”. (Quran, 5:6). If you learn the Quran in-depth, you will see the emphasis on cleanliness and purity.
Basis of Cleanliness and Purity in Islam
Islam became the first religion that concluded the aspects of cleanliness and purity as an integral part of the Islamic faith. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said about purity in one of His hadith in a way: “Cleanliness is half the faith (Emaan).” The main objective of this teaching is to keep a Muslim free and purified of any ill-thought and negative character which eventually leads to having clean and pure thinking, avoiding sins, making a lot of dhikrs and most importantly making sure the heart is pure of spiritual affliction such as anger, hatred, relying on other people than Allah, pride, and arrogance leading to a peaceful and contented life. Physical purification can be obtained by proper bodily purification, for example, making ablution, taking bath, cleaning teeth, using fragrance, keeping house and clothes clean to create blissful surroundings in accordance with the teachings of Islam and likable by Allah SWT.
You can incorporate the habit of staying clean and pure in the children by arranging Quran teaching for kids both physically and by Quran tutors online.
Cleanliness and Purity in the Holy Quran
Allah SWT has stated the importance of cleanliness and purity in Islam in many instances. It has been said in the Holy Quran: “Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves” [Quran, 2:222]. This verse defines the love of Allah SWT towards those who keep striving to attain the purity of soul, both inner and outer.
Allah SWT has gifted mankind with water to clean themselves as it is stated in the Holy Quran that: “[Remember] when He overwhelmed you with drowsiness [giving] security from Him and sent down upon you from the sky, rain by which to purify you and remove from you the evil [suggestions] of Satan and to make steadfast your hearts and plant firmly thereby your feet” [Quran, 8:11].
Cleanliness and Purity in Hadith
The holy Prophet SWT preached the role of cleanliness and purity in the life of Muslims and always practiced to set examples for mankind. He kept his body and clothes clean, took baths on a regular basis, like the use of fragrance, liked to do Miswaak, He (PBUH) disliked the use of smelly things like garlic and appreciated a neat and attractive appearance. It has been stated by the Holy Prophet SWT that: The key to the prayer is cleanliness, its beginning is Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar) and its ending is Salam (salutation).”
The Quran and Hadith have multiple examples to stress upon the enlightenment of cleanliness and purity that should be followed by every Muslim to attain the likeness of Allah and His beloved. Memorizing the Quran by online means and learn Quran online can help you to become an ideal Muslim.